# of watchers: 41
| D20: 19 |
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Funny-rating: | 0 |
Friendly: | 0 |
2006-01-31 [W!ld KAT]: i found out the truth,...i always do and if she tries it again i will,...i can be forgiving when i dont give a rats ass,....beside
2006-01-31 [The Darkness of your soul]: hi
2006-01-31 [W!ld KAT]: *looks up and smiles a bit* howdy
2006-01-31 [Lust]: Tell him what she is doing, if he's smart she will end it with that friend. Then if she gets anoying always reporting to the guards does help. And Hello Evil.
2006-01-31 [W!ld KAT]: will do boss,..by the way, great idea with the gym,...
2006-01-31 [Lust]: Yeah, it was that dude's idea, dont know his name... And if she does keep bothering you.. Hey wants her user name and wat is she doing?
2006-01-31 [The Darkness of your soul]: hello boss
2006-01-31 [Lust]: ^-^
2006-01-31 [W!ld KAT]: her name's [kelbaby6106] and she just kept telling me stuff like he was always callin her and never mentioned he had a gf and stuff,..
2006-01-31 [Lust]: Should I give her a small friendly talk?
2006-01-31 [W!ld KAT]: you can if you want boss, but dont go too hard on her,...she's [Frosty French Fry]'s friend,...
2006-01-31 [Lust]: Matt wont mind if she is saying shit about your man. He is here also to protect you, this family protects each other.
2006-01-31 [W!ld KAT]: i know,..i just dont want him to get upset,...
2006-01-31 [Lust]: He shouldnt. Plus she is a monster compared to you. End of that story.
2006-01-31 [W!ld KAT]: lol yeah,..*takes knife out of pocket, boot, and other boot and starts to clean them*
2006-01-31 [Kaze]: To arms! *attatches helmet*
2006-01-31 [Lust]: *ties Kaze to a chair* o.o
2006-01-31 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: *chuckles*
2006-01-31 [Lust]: He may hurt some one, or himself..
2006-01-31 [Frosty French Fry]: ..............
2006-01-31 [Lust]: *nods* But she isnt mine, just lay back and relax. I only told her to fuck off and stop saying shit, and act more her age =)
2006-01-31 [The Darkness of your soul]: hey boss i have a new butterfly axe if any one wants it?
2006-01-31 [W!ld KAT]: i know! that's why i didnt want any thing done,...cuz i know how it is to have friends unfortunately,
2006-01-31 [Lust]: Um, anyone? And again, she is not my friend and I dont like the way she is treating you, end of that story.
2006-01-31 [Kaze]: 0__0 <.<;;; someone untie me..? .... sucky sucky..? discount price..?
2006-01-31 [W!ld KAT]: ok boss! calm down! it's done now, no takin it back so lets move on, oky doky? *sweet smile* nice axe by the way,...
2006-01-31 [The Darkness of your soul]: thanks do u want it? i have more
2006-01-31 [Lust]: I wannat chew on the axe.. O.O I bet Kaze wants to suck it! No untie!
2006-01-31 [The Darkness of your soul]: gtg go boss i will be on later
2006-01-31 [Kaze]: but but.... v__v *wiggles* <.<;; hey, this is fun! *wiggles* XD
2006-01-31 [Lust]: Alright
2006-01-31 [W!ld KAT]: later evil! *waves*
2006-01-31 [Lust]: =)
2006-01-31 [Kaze]: Wait...! WAIT...!!! Untie meeee~!
2006-01-31 [Lust]: O.o... Nu uh!
2006-01-31 [W!ld KAT]: i think you should sit there an chill a bit, k man?
2006-01-31 [Lust]: Heh, he will never chill! *pokes his nose*
2006-01-31 [W!ld KAT]: oh yeah? *pours ice water over kaze's head
2006-01-31 [Kaze]: Fuck. You. No jokes... no funny shit. Fuck. You.
2006-01-31 [Lust]: O.o...
2006-01-31 [B-Raz]: hey that ain't nice
2006-01-31 [Lust]: [kelbaby6106] wait wait wait?? did someone tell you i gave a fuck what you have to say??.. well if so they were wrong... dont talk to me... u dont know me and i have told him to fuck off i just told her what was going on... you would want to know too. your done! have a nice day... you and your stupid bullshit are funny
2006-01-31 [Lust]: Why is lynney a lil angry? Hmm...
2006-01-31 [W!ld KAT]: *unties kaze momentarily* my bad dawg, i'm sorry *hands kaze a towel*
2006-01-31 [Kaze]: Kaze + Water = Death to all... .... *dries off...* ....... okay... now get me a pie, and everything'll be okay.
2006-01-31 [Lust]: ..............
2006-01-31 [W!ld KAT]: ok buddy, whatever you say,...*hands you pie*
2006-01-31 [Lust]: =)
2006-01-31 [Kaze]: Whee-hoo..!! I like teh pie! *gobbleh-gobbl
2006-01-31 [Lust]: Now go kill that thing!
2006-01-31 [W!ld KAT]: okay boss,...but i gotta talk to you first,...
2006-01-31 [Frosty French Fry]: if [kelbaby6106] dies, I walk
2006-01-31 [Lust]: Then tell her to get some balls and apoligise to me. I ttold her to stop bothering Katy in a NICE way and thats what she said? I was polite. She was not. No one talks to me like that!
2006-01-31 [Frosty French Fry]: Boss, I know you....you dont do anything nicely when it comes to the family
2006-02-01 [W!ld KAT]: she was nice the first time,...she sent me the message she sent her,...i'm sorry matt i never ment for all this to happen,...
2006-02-01 [Lust]: Dont apoligise Katy, hold your head high, no one diserved to say anything about your man or you. And Matt, I was nice because I did not know her and who knows if she did it, she could of joind the mafia as well. I dont see why I bother being polite, never ends well. I wish I was harsh and told her to fuck off, or die. But I did not.
2006-02-01 [Kaze]: *whispers* give them pie... and they'll be nice. It works for most everyone. Who can argue with pie? :3
2006-02-01 [Lust]: I think she is more evil then that, doubt she likes any pie Kaze.. Sowy
2006-02-01 [Kaze]: *scurries to home, to be a loser in the confines of his own house rather than digitally* Whee-hoo! Waffles!
2006-02-01 [Kaze]: o__o tell her to read her pieble then. http://www.fre
2006-02-01 [W!ld KAT]: *whispers back*lol, you really think that'll work?
2006-02-01 [B-Raz]: wow I didn't know there was a church to pie
2006-02-01 [W!ld KAT]: nice, i should join,...
2006-02-01 [B-Raz]: careful or you'll end up eating pie for breakfast lunch and dinner lol
2006-02-01 [W!ld KAT]: lol, i could handle that as long as it's different kinds! *puts head in hands then stands up* i need a drink,...i'll be in the bar if you need me,....
2006-02-01 [B-Raz]: you know the whole time i've been here i've never been to the bar lol mind if I join ya?
2006-02-01 [W!ld KAT]: not at all, let's go!
2006-02-01 [B-Raz]: ok :) *walks to the bar*
2006-02-01 [Frosty French Fry]: Is she gonna die??
2006-02-01 [Lust]: Nah, she can be a bitch all she wants. But I'm gonna find a new Don.
2006-02-01 [Frosty French Fry]: Why
2006-02-01 [B-Raz]: why are you gonna do that?
2006-02-01 [W!ld KAT]: boss you told me you wouldn't,...
2006-02-01 [Lust]: I cant handle it, all this is is a stupid wiki with a bunch of names, some one can make it more creative, then they can maybe even get awords for this wiki, I cant do that.
2006-02-01 [W!ld KAT]: yeah you can boss, you just gotta have faith,....come on,...does someone need to read their "pieble"?
2006-02-01 [Frosty French Fry]: fine...make me don..hahahha
2006-02-01 [B-Raz]: so ask for help don't just quit
2006-02-01 [W!ld KAT]: yeah, come on,...i coulda quit a looong time ago and pushed that knife a lil deeper but i decided to call my girl first and she talked me out of it,..all you gotta do is ask,...we're all here for you boss
2006-02-01 [W!ld KAT]: god damn it,...i'm goin to the gym,...
2006-02-01 [Fion Faolan]: I was just thinking Lynn, those would actually be objectives.. the whole operation would be the mission.
2006-02-01 [Lust]: Testing objectives to get the mission. That better? *blinks*
2006-02-01 [Lust]: Good morning peepz, or afternoon.. Evening?(sp) O.o... We need to make the mafia creative! Use your heads!
2006-02-01 [Kaze]: *takes his hand out of his pants* wait... .... now I'm just confused.. o__o
2006-02-01 [W!ld KAT]: *walks in and throws coat into chair* god damn carter blood care,...
2006-02-02 [Blinded Seraphim]: *comes in and sits down* how is everything tonite?
2006-02-02 [Lust]: Blah.
2006-02-02 [Blinded Seraphim]: let me see here, that meens bad mood right? i dont speak good lynnglish yet
2006-02-02 [Lust]: Good boy! *pets* I need more sugestions and ideas, not being pie!
2006-02-02 [Blinded Seraphim]: umm...pie? (yay, i got petted :) )
2006-02-02 [Lust]: Yes... Everyone is on pie lately..
2006-02-02 [Soft as Bone]: from what i see, there are some openings availible. how does one earn the honor of serving The Elfpack Mafia?
2006-02-02 [Blinded Seraphim]: well, you would ask the don for the position
2006-02-02 [Soft as Bone]: thank you very much
2006-02-02 [Blinded Seraphim]: Im here to help, just remember to be an active member or risk getting booted out
2006-02-02 [Lust]: Hmm?
2006-02-02 [Blinded Seraphim]: ^shed be the one to talk to
2006-02-02 [Lust]: Oi
2006-02-02 [bloodmut]: whats up people
2006-02-02 [B-Raz]: hummmmmm when are we gonna stop doing jobs?
2006-02-02 [W!ld KAT]: when hell freezes over and i become the queen of pink,....
2006-02-02 [B-Raz]: hummmmmmmmmm *feels the floor* nope still warm
2006-02-02 [W!ld KAT]: *smiles sweetly* yeah, and pink'll never happen as long as i'm around,...
2006-02-02 [B-Raz]: hummmmmmmmm poor people in hell I bet they would like some water
2006-02-02 [bloodmut]: making you the queen of pink can be arranged
2006-02-02 [W!ld KAT]: yeah, maybe,...i know! lets ask 'em! *puts ear to floor*
2006-02-02 [B-Raz]: now yell REALLY loud lol
2006-02-02 [bloodmut]: ear getting cold?
2006-02-02 [W!ld KAT]: *yells into floor* need a drink down there??
2006-02-02 [Lust]: Strange mafia we have...
2006-02-02 [bloodmut]: lol would you like a stripper for tonight
2006-02-02 [B-Raz]: or better yet I have a hole to china in my backyard I could just jump down it lol and ask them half way
2006-02-02 [Lust]: Yes. We are strange..
2006-02-02 [W!ld KAT]: lol, that could work b!! yeah come on in!
2006-02-02 [bloodmut]: *walks in "what do you like"
2006-02-02 [B-Raz]: lol ok *jumps and waits*
2006-02-02 [W!ld KAT]: anything, everything,...
2006-02-02 [bloodmut]: *takes off shirt* *glides next to you*
2006-02-02 [B-Raz]: *gets to china* oops I missed them *jumps back into hole*
2006-02-02 [bloodmut]: *starting to dance around you*
2006-02-02 [W!ld KAT]: *sits back and enjoys*
2006-02-02 [bloodmut]: *shorts slid off* and *times up i gotta go*
2006-02-02 [W!ld KAT]: awww,...bummer
2006-02-02 [bloodmut]: 15
2006-02-02 [bloodmut]: *looks at her* you know how it is get you interseted then they always leave
2006-02-02 [W!ld KAT]: *reaches in back pocket for wallet, pulls out 20* here, keep the change,...
2006-02-02 [W!ld KAT]: that's very true
2006-02-02 [bloodmut]: thank *rub hand when grabs the 20* thanks
2006-02-02 [bloodmut]: maybe next time i wll show you more when i have more time
2006-02-02 [W!ld KAT]: *smiles and winks* no problem,...
2006-02-02 [bloodmut]: bye
2006-02-02 [W!ld KAT]: adios! hey, i gotta get too,..see yall tomorrow!! *waves down hole and hollerz* bye B!!! see you tomorrow!!!
2006-02-02 [B-Raz]: lol seeya
2006-02-02 [Lust]: Oi... Things I dont need to read
2006-02-02 [B-Raz]: sorry boss
2006-02-02 [Lust]: Erm... anywho! We do need to get a room with that stuff >.>..
2006-02-02 [B-Raz]: yeah but can you answer my question of when jobs will be?
2006-02-02 [Lust]: what question? The missions are already started
2006-02-02 [B-Raz]: oh right :P lol sorry
2006-02-02 [Lust]: ????????
2006-02-02 [B-Raz]: never mind don't mind me i've been up for WAAAAAAAAY to long
2006-02-02 [Lust]: You need to cut back on the drugs!
2006-02-02 [B-Raz]: hey i've never done big drugs in my life lol
2006-02-02 [Lust]: Sure you havnt! The Elfpack Missions
2006-02-02 [B-Raz]: fine then don't believe me *twich twich* lol
2006-02-02 [Lust]: Okays =P Isnt hard!
2006-02-02 [Lust]: Night
2006-02-02 [B-Raz]: lol night *mutters now I gotta find a job I can actuly do*
2006-02-02 [Lust]: hm?
2006-02-02 [Kaze]: <.<;; well I worked on the bar... and I made a render, and a couple of videos and brought em with me... but I can't transfer em to the computer.. v__v maybe tomorrow.
2006-02-02 [Lust]: I hope it works >.<
2006-02-03 [W!ld KAT]: good luck man,...i brought you a pie for trying though!!
2006-02-03 [Soft as Bone]: hey, i;m 'the new guy'
2006-02-03 [W!ld KAT]: nice to meet you! occupation?
2006-02-03 [B-Raz]: hello dude
2006-02-03 [W!ld KAT]: yo b! wassup?
2006-02-03 [B-Raz]: nuttin really just got home from class and my brain hurts how bout you
2006-02-03 [W!ld KAT]: eh,..i'm still a lil upset after the funeral, but i'm here so,...*shrugs*
2006-02-03 [B-Raz]: ok well we better start doing messages or the boss might get mad
2006-02-03 [W!ld KAT]: aiight
2006-02-03 [Lust]: Erm.
2006-02-03 [B-Raz]: erm what?
2006-02-03 [Lust]: Who knows
2006-02-03 [B-Raz]: lol well you should your the one who said it lol
2006-02-03 [Lust]: Oh well
2006-02-03 [Lust]: Do you all like what I have done with the mafia?
2006-02-03 [W!ld KAT]: very nice, i like,....
2006-02-03 [Jentianrysk]: Excellent, boss. Who do we kill today?
2006-02-03 [Soft as Bone]: i;m Head Undercover Operative
2006-02-03 [Soft as Bone]: i just hope i do a good job
2006-02-03 [Blinded Seraphim]: very nice boss
2006-02-03 [Lust]: Thank you
2006-02-03 [Blinded Seraphim]: ypur welcome
2006-02-03 [W!ld KAT]: nice to meet ya wolf*extends hand* i'm the newest assassin
2006-02-03 [Lust]: The assigment page is slowly being updated, sugestions are LOVED
2006-02-03 [W!ld KAT]: aiight boss,...
2006-02-03 [Lust]: The Elfpack Missions has been updated, feel free to HELP me..!
2006-02-04 [Soft as Bone]: *takes hand and firmly shakes it* it;s nicve to meet you too
2006-02-04 [W!ld KAT]: well, if you want someone to talk to i double as a pscye *smiles*
2006-02-04 [Soft as Bone]: cool *smiles back* well i;m not really sure what to do, but it sounds like it could be a lot of fun if you enjoy yourself (withing the limitations)
2006-02-04 [W!ld KAT]: yeah, it's pretty kool,...i wouldn't recommend the bar right now,...we just had a loss in the familly,...
2006-02-04 [Soft as Bone]: really? what happened?
2006-02-04 [Soft as Bone]: really? what happened? or should i not ask?
2006-02-04 [W!ld KAT]: she died of heart failure
2006-02-04 [Soft as Bone]: oh, that;s so sad
2006-02-04 [W!ld KAT]: i know,...no one can believe it,...
2006-02-04 [B-Raz]: hiya wolf :)
2006-02-04 [W!ld KAT]: B!! what's up?
2006-02-04 [Soft as Bone]: hey. how are you?
2006-02-04 [B-Raz]: hey I can answer both of you at the same time lol I am good but confused lol
2006-02-04 [W!ld KAT]: confuzed?
2006-02-04 [Soft as Bone]: why confused?
2006-02-04 [B-Raz]: uhhhhhhhhh I don't actuly know :P lol
2006-02-04 [W!ld KAT]: lol, ur just crazy,..
2006-02-04 [B-Raz]: that might be it lol
2006-02-04 [W!ld KAT]: lol, or part of it at least! so wolf, tell us about yourself,...
2006-02-04 [Soft as Bone]: well, i don;t really know...there;s not that much to tell
2006-02-04 [B-Raz]: well just start with something we'll pick out stuff we like lol
2006-02-04 [W!ld KAT]: yeah, i usually do that anyways,....
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